After 4 Years on the Grind, What has it Done for Me?

I’ve been on the grind for 4 years now, and as a senior grinder, I think I know a thing or two about the grind. However, I know there are some amatuer grinders that read my blog, so I figured I’d go ahead and talk about some of the things the grind has done for me while i’ve been on it, to motivate those beta grinders to rise and become the alpha grinders. Firstly, it saved my marriage. I’ve been married for 28 years now and that’s only because of the grind. If I hadnt been on the grind, I’d be a beta male, and my wife would’ve gotten that divorce she asked for 4 years ago, but instead, I knew that all I needed to do was use my natural charisma and charm to convince her that if we did get a divorce I was going to take everything she owned, that turned that argument around real fast. Secondly, being on the grind has offered me a new perspective. When I first started the grind, I looked up to people such as Micheal Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Stalin, and Harry Styles, but now? Now I look down on them as beneath me, mainly because ever since I started the grind I am now 7 feet 12 inches tall, this has greatly improved my self esteem, as now whenever somebody starts an argument with me, I can simply reply with “Short” and there is no problem at all! Sure, all my friends have left and my wife is saying she’s plotting to kill me while she sleep talks, but I know it’s out of jealously, not hatred. Thirdly, my cholesterol has lowered and my health has improved! Recently, my doctor has told me my cholesterol is at an astounding zero! Go me! I’ve also developed 5 6 packs and what my spiritual advisor calls a “health tumor” on my left toe. My mother says I’m lactose intolerant, but I’ve been drinking nothing but milk for days and I haven’t experienced a single ill side-effect. Finally, being on the grind made me realize my real priorities, that I wanted to get out, and build bombs in a sweatshop for the rest of my life. That’s why I recently moved to china with my wife and begun working at a sweatshop building gunpowder devices! Assembling the barrel of a rifle has never made me happier! Thank you Mao Zedong, and I’m not just saying that because I have to!

And there you have it. That’s what 4 years on the grind has done for me. I’m happier, healthier, and sure that everyone in my life doesn't hate me because I’m insufferable, but because they’re jealous of my success as an alpha grinder. 😎